Hello Yusuke.

Work for implementing support for UPnP (and so DLNA) into browsers has been 
done in many places. It's one of the use cases in IP-TV applications, to be 
able to connect to home entertainment equipment and Home Automation devices 
through the set-top-box, which normally runs a browser.

Support for UPnP in browsers has not been standardized (yet, anybody interested 
to create a proposal?). What people have done is creating plugins, particular 
for a given browser, being a STB-browser, Smart TV, or a more common browser 
supporting plugins, like Firefox or Opera. These plugins then publish a 
JavaScript API that allows the web applications to access UPnP (& DLNA) devices.

Some links:


I personally like UPnP & DLNA. It would be a great way to find XMPP-based 
devices, particularly IoT devices, in your vicinity, and be able to interact 
with them.

Peter Waher

-----Original Message-----
From: Yusuke DOI [mailto:yusuke....@toshiba.co.jp] 
Sent: den 19 maj 2013 22:09
To: XMPP Standards
Cc: Peter Waher
Subject: Re: [Standards] Using .well-known/ to supplement XEP-0156


(2013-05-19 03:13), Peter Waher wrote:
> What about the UPnP method? Using SSDP? Creating some well defined 
> UPnP Device interface for XMPP Servers & XMPP Clients, perhaps 
> exposing the features of each device at the same time? Saves time as 
> you don't have to do service discovery on each device.

UPnP is not for browsers and I think this is not what Lance needs.



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