Thanks for the feedback,

I will change 'read' to 'displayed' in the next version.

The stamp is if you read/acknowledge the message while you are offline
(assuming you store the messages locally), if it isn't set the time is now.

There is no reason while in addition to this XEP that XEP-0184 couldn't be
extended to also have 'displayed'?

The thinking behind chat markers is that people don't deal with individual
messages, but with chats. It also has the benefit of if retrieve 100 new
messages the next time I log in, I only want to mark up to the last message
that I read not send a receipt for every one.



On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Stephen Paul Weber <> wrote:

> The concept of delivery and read receipts has been popularised by other
>> messaging services such as iMessage, Google Hangouts and Blackberry
>> Messenger
> The D and R features of BBM are exactly what I am seeking to copy in my
> client.
>  1.2.1) xep-0022 basically solves this problem, but it is marked as
>> obsolete. I didn't feel like digging it out of the grave, but maybe we
>> should re-consider it?
> This summarises my feelings exactly.  I wish 0085 were more like 0022
> (especially wrt the option to omit <composing/> notifications, useful on
> mobile).
> So, specific comments on chat-markers as written:
> The "received" marker is completely useless to me, because it assumes a
> reliable delivery channel.  The entire purpose of the "delivered" state is
> to allow the user to have confidence in the reliability of delivery, so a
> "everything up to here I have" message fails to meet this.  However, no
> problem, because 0184 solves this perfectly (in exactly the same way as
> 0022, but it's not deprecated, so hooray!)
> I have no specific comment about "acknowledged".  Not sure how useful that
> is.
> So now "read" (more accurately called <displayed/> by 0022) is the one I
> really need to solve.  Saying "everything up to here has been displayed" is
> probably fine (because I will have delivery recepits from 0184 to tell me
> if they have the message, and if they have it and a later message and they
> say they displayed the later message, then sure I'm fine with assuming
> they're both displayed).  I fail to see, however, how this is different
> from 0085 <active/> in that case.  If a chat becomes active and all the
> messages in it have been delivered, then they have now all been displayed.
>  The only disadvantage to 0085 is that <composing/> cannot be ommited
> (without SIFT or similar), but I can probably just live with that.
> That said, neither 0085 nor chat-markers seems to cover the non-chat
> message case (especially, single/"normal" messages), which likely do not
> fit the "everything up to here" model at all.
> Finally, what is up with the stamp="" attribute?  If I was online when the
> stanza was sent, the time is now.  If I was not, then 0203 covers this case
> just fine.  stamp="" seems to be just noise.
> For me, I think the ideal protocol would be exactly the same as 0184, but
> with a different namespace that meant <displayed/> instead of delivered.
>  If a new protocol is even needed.
> --
> Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
> See <> for how I prefer to be contacted
> edition right joseph

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