On Jun 12, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 6/6/13 6:40 AM, Matthew Wild wrote:
>> On 6 June 2013 10:21, Simon Tennant <si...@buddycloud.com> wrote:
>>> End to end encryption is a worth goal. This is very cool for
>>> getting information on the s2s connection.
>> Perhaps on first sight. However this kind of usage is exactly why
>> the XEP died last time around. It isn't suitable for anything
>> except purely informational/debugging purposes. This is because the
>> link can change - it might be encrypted when you check it, and then
>> reconnect unencrypted without you knowing. Also, malicious entities
>> can always lie.
> What I'd like is to know whether the connection from my personal IM
> server (stpeter.im) or my company's IM server (say, cisco.com) to a
> random server like prosody.im or jabber.ietf.org is encrypted. Sure,
> malicious entities can lie, but I try not to create accounts or
> authenticate with malicious servers. :-) Look, I need to have *some*
> level of trust in the server I authenticate with. I just want to know
> if the path from there to the next server is encrypted, too. If I'm a
> server admin presumably I have some kind of server-side tool I can
> use, but that's not the case if I'm not an admin.

I don't disagree that the user is trusting their server by logging in.  And if 
this check were to stop at "my.domain --> other.domain", then I can see some 
confidence in the results because of the trust.  Changes in the state *could* 
be dealt with by making this information available in a pubsub-like manner (I 
sensed the collective shudder from some of our server developers and operators 
before I even typed that sentence (-: ).

However, that trust doesn't carry over to the answer for "other.domain --> 
contact@other.domain" which users will want so very, very desperately.

I don't necessarily have a problem with this as a protocol-level diagnostic 
tool; it can help users (or rather, the developers of the client the user 
interacts with) and admins to troubleshoot.  But the potential of abuse and 
over-interpretation is extremely high.

- m&m

Matthew A. Miller
< http://goo.gl/LK55L >

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