On Jul 18, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 04:48:08PM +0100, Ashley Ward wrote:
>> I was just thinking about the updates we discussed about the BOSH spec. I 
>> think all the patches were posted to the mailing list, but did anyone 
>> actually make the updates to the spec itself in the end? I'm happy to trawl 
>> back through the mailing list and make the updates.
>> This was the wiki page with the list of changes:
>> http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/BoshIssues
> Hey Ash, I was thinking about the other night while trying to clear out
> my inbox. It definitely would be good to get all the fixes incorporated.
> I think Matt Miller, Winfried Tilanus, and Stefan Strigler would have
> the best idea of where we stand here.
> /psa

I think we all got a little busy, and lost track of it.  If I recall correctly, 
all of the things we signed up to fix are done, but no one's rolled that into a 
single patch yet.

I'd be happy to do that, though...unless Winfried already did it and forgot to 
push it upstream (-:

- m&m

Matthew A. Miller
< http://goo.gl/LK55L >

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