On 10/16/13 8:41 AM, Winfried Tilanus wrote:
> On 23-08-13 06:31, Lance Stout wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for my extreme late reply (working away a *hugh* backlog).
>>> I think we all got a little busy, and lost track of it.  If I recall
>>> correctly, all of the things we signed up to fix are done, but no one's
>>> rolled that into a single patch yet.
>> I've combined all of the patches that we did that I could find submitted 
>> to the mailing list.
> Thanks a lot!
>> Winfried: do you have any other patches that didn't get sent to the list?
> No, I don't have.
>> You can see rendered versions at:
>>     http://legastero.github.io/customxeps/extensions/xep-0124.html
>>     http://legastero.github.io/customxeps/extensions/xep-0206.html
>> Hopefully we can finish this up before/at the next summit, especially with 
>> XMPP 
>> over WebSocket moving along now :)
> Still in time?


I agree that it would be good to finalize BOSH. Lance, do you have a
single patch that we can apply for consideration by the Council?



Peter Saint-Andre

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