It sounds like what we've been doing with the buddycloud pusher:

We currently use it to send GCM and emails regarding buddycloud-related
events, as per its documentation, but it can be easily extended to push any
XMPP event to any pusher service, eg.: Apple's, SMS.


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Daniele Ricci <>wrote:

> Hello list,
> I was thinking of writing a XEP for sending a sender ID (Google Cloud
> Messaging) or a device token (Apple Push Notification Service) or any
> other push notification service token (that is, a generic one) to the
> server.
> Almost all push notification services works the same way: the server
> provides a provider ID to the client and the client provides a device
> token to the server.
> I was thinking of using service discovery to advertise the service
> from a server:
> <iq from='' type='result' id='H-2' to=''>
>   <query xmlns=''
> node=''>
>     <item node='SENDER-ID' jid='' name='Google
> Cloud Messaging'/>
>     <item node='PROVIDER-ID' jid='' name='Apple
> Push Notification Service'/>
>     <item ... />
>  </query>
> </iq>
> In the "node" attribute I'd put the provider ID I was talking about
> earlier.
> Device token could be sent using a presence update from the client:
> <presence>
>   <status>...</status>
>   ...
>   <c xmlns='
> provider=''>REGISTRATION-ID</c>
> </presence>
> (that would need to be filtered by the server before broadcasting the
> presence update though, for security reasons).
> Or an iq to the push notification address could be used:
> <iq to=''>
>   <token xmlns='
> '>DEVICE-TOKEN</token>
> </iq>
> I'd really appreciate some feedback. I think it would be a useful XEP.
> Regards,
> --
> Daniele

Abmar Barros
MSc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande -
OurGrid Team Leader -
Buddycloud Dev -
Paraíba - Brazil

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