
I have some questions on MUC:

1. Shouldn't the (initial) room subject message have Delayed Delivery, because 
the subject was set some time ago? It probably should, but the spec doesn't 
mention anything about it (7.2.16 Room Subject).

2. Is the <actor/> actually needed in the muc#admin namespace? There are no 
examples, but it's in the XML schema.

3. Can a client request multiple affiliations and get all affiliated users? 

<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin";>
<item affiliation="member"/>
<item affiliation="owner"/>
<item affiliation="admin"/>

Which would return all members.

4. muc#roomconfig_whois config option: Is it used for roles or affiliations or 
both? The description says "affiliations", but the sample includes 
"moderators", which is a role. Can an implementation freely choose the possible 

Thanks for answer.

-- Christian

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