On May 16, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Peter Waher <peter.wa...@clayster.com> wrote:

> The reason was to stick to the OAUTH algorithm as defiend for the web, where 
> BStr is defined as:
> BStr:=Escape(method)+'&'+Escape(url)+'&'+Escape(PStr)
> (method=GET/POST; etc..)
> The closest match in XMPP the method parameter has is the type attribute used 
> when submitting the form, and the closest match to the url parameter is the 
> to-attribute. It is the actual ‘type’ attribute that is referred to. (I’ve 
> made a small change to highlight this.) The form_type parameter is already 
> included in PStr:
> BStr:=Escape(type)+'&'+Escape(to)+'&'+Escape(PStr)
> Clarification now reads:
> “The Signature Base String (BStr) is then formed concatenating Escape(type) 
> (the 'type' attribute of the form used when submitting the form), Escape(to) 
> (the full destination address, including resource, if any) and Escape(PStr), 
> using ampersands ('&') as delimiter.“
> OK?
> Note however, that you can include any parameter in the signature, by posting 
> hidden parameters on the form.

-- without council hat --

Since signing forms uses OAuth 1, how much from XEP-0235 (OAuth over XMPP) can 
be reused here? XEP-0235 already specifies some of these parameters for 
generating signatures, which differ from ones in this proposal.

Having spent some time reviewing signing forms against some use cases I might 
have for it, I'm really left wondering why not just use XEP-0235 directly? It 
clearly separates the OAuth data from the user's form data, and provides error 
elements for explicit feedback on incorrect or missing parameters which signing 
forms currently lacks. I understand that embedding OAuth information inside a 
form is quick & easy, but 235 is very simple too and can be used in places 
where forms aren't used. I'd rather we have a single established way to do 
OAuth generally rather than two almost-the-same-but-not-quite methods.

    <iq type='set'
      <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
        <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
          <field type='hidden' var='FORM_TYPE'>
          <field type='text-single' label='Given Name' var='first'>
          <field type='text-single' label='Family Name' var='last'>
          <field type='text-single' label='Email Address' var='email'>
          <field type='list-single' label='Gender' var='x-gender'>
        <oauth xmlns="urn:xmpp:oauth:0">
          <oauth_consumer_key>.. .</oauth_consumer_key>
          <oauth_nonce>.. .</oauth_nonce>
          <oauth_timestamp>.. .</oauth_timestamp>
          <oauth_signature>.. .</oauth_signature>

I will admit that right now XEP-0235 does need some editing & review, and that 
it lacks two key features: indication that OAuth is required, and the optional 
inclusion of form fields in the signature. As for requirement indication, I 
think we can do that rather easily:

<oauth xmlns="urn:xmpp:oauth:0">
  <required />

And for form values in the signature, we can state that if the OAuth request is 
used in conjunction with a data form, then the signature process may include 
those form values, in the manner described here.

-- with council hat --

XEP-0235 & Signing Forms have overlapping use cases, and while similar have at 
least one subtle difference & gotcha (notably the method values are currently 
inconsistent). Editing and updating of XEP-0235 could be done to cover the 
cases addressed by Signing Forms. However, Signing Forms can *not* be updated 
to cover all of the cases addressed by XEP-0235, namely cases which don't 
involve data forms (e.g., PubSub subscription requests).

As such, I'm inclined to vote -1 for Signing Forms as-is in preference that we 
expand and fix XEP-0235 so that it addresses the use cases for Signing Forms.

-- Lance

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