On 26 Jan 2015, at 13:14, Piotr Nosek <piotr.no...@erlang-solutions.com> wrote:
> I can't think of a way to definitely solve this right now but is it such a 
> frequent case that you will send tons of messages to someone without a single 
> answer and then reconnect repeatedly?

It illustrates that you often need to do a sync that overwrites bits of the 
local archive, though. I’d really like a more robust solution than that. I’m 
hoping we’ll get there at the summit.

> Anyway I think it is essential to have some ID assigned by server (at least) 
> in MAM. Even if clients would add proper IDs to the stanzas, the server might 
> prefer an optimized ID types to enhance archive lookups, like a guarantee for 
> them to be non-decreasing.

Yes, the server has to be assigning UIDs for the messages as part of MAM as it 


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