
On  3 Mar 2015, christian...@rechenwerk.net wrote:

> Then the client app hands this information over to its xmpp
> server using the enable-iq stanza so the xmpp server can publish push
> notifications when the client app is not reachable.

What does it mean ?
Suppose I am using MyApp on iPad and iPhone, with the same JID and
resource (not using them at the same time).
What does not being reachable mean ?

That's what I mean when I talk about a client registry that the XMPP
server has to know about. To know that a client is not reachable or is
missing, it need to have a list. It needs to be able to know for a given
JID what are the "client app - device" tuple to be notified.
I my view the app server cannot know that, because it does not know
anything about the reachability.

> I think one node representing multiple client apps is only possible if
> all of these apps use the same push service type, e.g. all of them use
> app ShinyApp on iOS. Otherwise the app server which maybe only
> supports one push service type can't decide if a published
> notification is for the client it is serving.
>> How can I see all my client app registered for push ? How can I
>> manage that list ?
> from which side? I think each client app is responsible for its own
> registration.

Yes, but the list need to be managed. Supposed I had two devices and now
handed over one to someone else. I need to be able to get the list of
devices that serve a reference for XMPP server to trigger push
notifications sending. And as a user, I need to be able to manually
clean that list in some rare but important cases.

Does it make sense ?

Mickaël Rémond

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