On Di, 2015-03-10 at 00:43 -0700, Lance Stout wrote:
> The intent in the security section is to not allow changing in-band what 
> content gets delivered via the push notifications, not the enabling/disabling 
> of push services. 
> Otherwise, a client could surreptitiously change the settings to include 
> private information like full message bodies and contact JIDs when the user 
> had previously chosen not to allow publishing that data.
> I'll add some clarifying language.
> Of course, the same sort of opportunities exist for bad clients already, such 
> as adding to a user's roster without their consent. However, such things are 
> generally noticeable by the user and correctable. Push services are more 
> shielded from the user's notice and thus much easier to exploit.

I must have skipped the "in-band-configuration not recommended"
paragraph the first time, so my suggestion of including settings in the
enabled stanza is not recommended. 
An example for out-of-band configuration would be logging into a web
interface and deselect include-message-bodies, right? That's a lot of
effort, so maybe the server should at least tell the user how it's
configured. Then the user can decide if re-configuring is necessary.
Service discovery could return the user-specific configuration:

<iq from='jul...@capulet.lit'
  <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'>
    <identity category='account' type='registered'/>
    <feature var='urn:xmpp:push:0'/>
    <x xmlns='jabber:x:data'>
      <field var='FORM_TYPE'>
      <field var='include-message-count'><value>1<value></field>
      <field var='include-message-bodies'><value>0<value></field>
      <field var='include-senders'><value>0<value></field>
      <field var='include-pending-subscription-count'>


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