Hi folks,

Council had a chat yesterday about how much review XEPs generally get outside 
those last-minute reviews required by Council at advancement points, and we 
generally agree that what happens is often insufficient; in an ideal world 
Council reviews for Draft, for example, shouldn’t turn up issues because people 
will have reviewed, discussed and fixed up the XEPs before they reach Last Call.

So, we’re going to do three things

1) Ask that people please try to review/discuss XEPs so that they’re adequately 
covered. It’s especially in author’s interests, if they want their XEPs 
advanced, to try to get them reviewed widely so they’re not going through 
painful periods with (the quite busy) Council being the only people reviewing 
things (at the last minute). The benefit of this is obvious.

2) We’ve asked the Editors to have requests for Last Calls happen via the 
standards@ list, and for them to include a short justification writeup - who is 
known to implement it, whether it’s the latest version, interop status, why 
it’s important, why there aren’t more changes expected to be needed in the 
future, etc. The benefit of this is (at least) twofold - one it provides 
context for Council, and two we hope it will spark more discussion and trigger 
more review.

3) Before Council vote on ProtoXEPs we’re going to ask that a similar summary 
be sent to standards@ by the authors explaining why the XEP is important, why 
any choices were made as they were, whether it’s implemented, etc. The benefits 
here are, we hope, similar to those for (2), above.

Hopefully this’ll cause wider review and discussion of XEPs, and improve the 
quality. If people have further ideas on improving the quality of XEP review, 
please share them.


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