On 17 September 2015 at 17:36, Evgeny Khramtsov <xramt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm more concerned about XEP questions which do not get answers from the
> authors. I recently posted 2 such questions. I believe both of them
> were reasonable enough, but got no answers.
> If the authors don't reply, the whole "discussion stuff" makes no
> sense.

Yes, I totally agree.

Please raise them at a Council meeting - this is especially important if
they're during a Last Call or submission period.

Also let the Council know if you feel you're not getting clear enough
answers even if the authors are responding.

Ultimately, nobody keeps tabs on which of your questions are or are not
answered to your satisfaction except you - anything else would be
impractical. Most of the time (possibly even all the time) this is just an
oversight from the authors, but the Council can nudge people (as can the
Editors, and they've nudged me before).

As a last resort, unanswered questions could be reason enough to block a
XEP, although the Council could equally well decide the questions were

If you can't attend a Council meeting for some reason (they're nearly every
week on Wednesday at 1500Z), mail standards@ and/or council@, and/or join
the Council and/or XSF chatroom at any time and let people know.



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