> On 28 apr. 2016, at 08:35, XMPP Extensions Editor <edi...@xmpp.org> wrote:
> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: XMPP Compliance Suites 2016
> Abstract:
>      This document defines XMPP protocol compliance levels for 2016.
> URL: http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/compliance2016.html
> The XMPP Council will decide in the next two weeks whether to accept this 
> proposal as an official XEP.


I don't really understand the point of CSI being required for Advanced Client.
Do non-mobile clients have to implement it and never send <inactive/>? Or do
servers have to disable all optimizations because enabling CSI is no longer an
implicit "I'm a mobile client with my screen off"?


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