* Jonas Wielicki <jo...@wielicki.name> [2017-03-22 18:54]:
> So we threw together our thoughts on that matter in a wiki article 
> <https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Contact_Colors>. Georg came up with using the 
> YCbCr 
> colour space for sampling the colours, and we’re pretty happy with the 
> results 
> so far. It’s trivial to adapt the lightness of the colours to the environment.

Initially I was using the HSV space, but the generated colors have a
high degree of brightness variance, making some nicknames hard to read.
The higher complexity of YUV gives us a better way to generate colors of
equal brightness.

Generally I'm in favor of using widely-awailable algorithms instead of
creating something new, but I'm no color space expert.
Regarding the SHA1 discussion, my gut feeling is to go with CRC32 (as
used in ZIP), because most runtimes provide that already and it is
faster to calculate.

> We might turn this into a ProtoXEP at some later point---although I’m 
> personally not sure this is XEP material.

While this is not technically a protocol, it is an interoperation /
usability thing and I'd like to make it at least an informationan XEP.

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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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