* Tobias M <tmarkm...@googlemail.com> [2017-03-24 08:39]:
> Quite a complex problem you choose to solve there. Ideally you want a
> colour palette where the colours are as much different to the user as
> possible.

There are three principal approaches:

1) dynamic based on # of participants - best color separation in small
   MUCs (I remember seeing an algorithm for successively adding new
   maximally-distinct colors for new participants, though I can't find
   it now)

2) dynamic based on participand JID/nickname - color separation might
   end up good or bad.

3) fixed static palette with a small, limited number of colors. Android
   is using this approach <http://stackoverflow.com/a/38315799/539443> to
   create 14 distinct high-contrast colors for contact tiles - color
   separation might end up good or bad.

(1) doesn't provide stability across clients / sessions and will end up
with similar colors on large chatrooms, (3) provides the best contrast
but will end up mapping different contacts to the same color, kind of
refuting the purpose. Therefore I consider (2) to be the best way to go

> The more colours you have in your colour palette, the more likely
> you’ll have very similar colours, which some users can’t distinguish.

If you have less colors than users, you will end up with an N:1 mapping
that no users can distinguish. The color is always merely a hint, and we
aim for a 90% solution.

> Furthermore a sensible colour palette for nicknames depends on the
> colours of the chat theme. If the chat theme has a light green
> background it probably rules out some colours that would work fine in
> a white background chat theme.

Yes, this is true. There is no general solution to this, and it's
already complicated enough to create a scheme that works well on black
and on white backgrounds. I think that Jonas' proposed approach of
first generating good colors that work on neutral backgrounds, and then
mixing them with the theme's background-inverse is sensible here.

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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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