Hi Daniel,

a lot of what Dave said about future proofing spoke to me and I'm
> starting to think he (and the others) are right.

Thanks for trying to see it from another perspective. My motivation
in this discussion has indeed always been future-proofing.

> It would become an
> Informational XEP (or maybe historical).

Given the multiple implementations of siacs, a historical XEP sounds like
a good idea to me regardless of the outcome of your current proposal. And
it might indeed take the heat of discussions.

> rolling the dice again and again until the key matches some
> criteria doesn't sound like something that should be in a standard.

I agree.

> Client authors who are looking for a short term solution (and can live
> with the downsides) can implement OMEMO while all the protocol work
> would go into OMEMO-NEXT.

That sounds reasonable to me.

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