
Am 31.05.2017 um 22:16 schrieb Chris Ballinger:
> I think it's obvious at this point that making an independent
> implementation of XEdDSA is possible without relying on any GPL OWS
> code. There are only so many ways of writing extremely concise code
> (see the rangeCheck function in Oracle v Google), so some similarities
> are inevitable. Obviously translating code line-by-line is a
> derivative work, but if you're implementing a crypto specification,
> there are only so many ways to do a low level crypto operation without
> jumping through hoops to look like you aren't copying some existing
> code. 
> This is all so ridiculous. If I arrange funding for a permissive
> XEdDSA implementation and audit can we stop making personal attacks
> and move on from this nonsense? 
> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net
> <mailto:d...@cridland.net>> wrote:
>     On 31 May 2017 at 20:50, Sam Whited <s...@samwhited.com
>     <mailto:s...@samwhited.com>> wrote:
>     > On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Dave Cridland
>     <d...@cridland.net <mailto:d...@cridland.net>> wrote:
>     >> I call bullshit.
>     >>
>     >> He copy and pasted some code (and the comments!).
>     >>
>     >> The fact he did this then submitted it to another project without
>     >> attribution and flouting the licensing is actually besides the
>     point -
>     >> I have no idea in what parallel universe you can say that because
>     >> someone can copy and paste the code from one file to another this
>     >> means the spec is fine and anyone could knock out an
>     implementation.
>     >
>     > Anyone with an Ed25519 library can already create an implementation,
>     > as I've explained, none of that code is owed by OWS, it's all either
>     > from the public domain reference implementation, or it's simple math
>     > that many other libraries implement. If you're worried about
>     copying a
>     > handful of
>     > lines from signal, go copy them from any other ed25519
>     > implementation.
>     I really appreciate you trying to explain which parallel universe I
>     might have found myself in.
>     But you did copy, amongst possibly other things, a constant-time
>     conditional-swap routine, along with the comments, from the
>     "additional" directory of a GPL library, so I can only assume that
>     copyright law works an entirely different way in this parallel
>     universe. Is it like patents in my universe, where a defence is that
>     the invention is obvious to one skilled in the art? We don't have that
>     defence for copyright in my universe.
>     But your argument that XEdDSA is simple enough for anyone to implement
>     by copying other people's code is noted.
>     Dave.
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