Now with my client developer hat on.

> 1. What software has XEP-0368 implemented?

I implemented XEP-0368 support in aioxmpp [1] (which is under LGPLv3 license).

> 2. Have developers experienced any problems with the protocol as defined
> in XEP-0368?

I did not have outstanding issues (the ones I had have been clarified since 
then). I did not implement ALPN support though (which is a SHOULD in the 
spec), because I didn’t have a chance to look into how to do that yet.

> 3. Is the text of XEP-0368 clear and unambiguous? 

I think so.

> Are more examples
> needed? Is the conformance language (MAY/SHOULD/MUST) appropriate? Have
> developers found the text confusing at all? 

Two final remarks:

* I find that the ALPN protocol ID registration still hasn’t gotten through to 
the official IANA registry [2].

* Do we need to interact with some registry to get xmpps-server and xmpps-
client SRV record service names registered? From my understanding, SRV records 
can use the names as assigned in [3] or "locally defined" (whatever that 
means!). Does what we do classify as "locally defined" and is sufficient? If 
not, we should probably get xmpps-server / xmpps-client registered somewhere.

Otherwise I find the XEP short and precise, understable, and easy to 

kind regards,


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