On Samstag, 28. Oktober 2017 13:25:09 CEST Sam Whited wrote:
> To carry forward the formatting discussion, I'd like to collect some use
> cases from the community.

(I’ll be (ab-)using RFC2119 key words to indicate my level of desire for each 
of those features.)

I, personally, want to be able to send messages with:

- multiple lines/paragraphs/blocks (must)
- code blocks (must)
- blockquotes (must)
- inline emphasis, possibly strong emphasis (must)
- inline code markup (should)
- enumerations and itemized lists (must)
- colours from a pre-defined palette (may, would be great for sender-made 
syntax highlighting)

I really use much of this on a daily basis, and I’d like to have this properly 
marked up in my client (I don’t use monospaced font normally, but it’d be 
great to have that for pieces of code. Note that this use-case is not covered 
by the Snippets proposal, as I’d normally interleave snippets with explanatory 
text; it only makes sense as a whole, not as individual snippets.)

In addition to that, I have use-cases where I want my bots to be able to send 
even richer mesasges, including (in addition to much from the list from 

- definition lists (should)
- one or two levels of headings (must)
- nested lists (should)
- colours (these can easily be from a pre-defined palette) (should)
- inline icons/images (should)

(The concrete scenario I have here is alerts from monitoring services. 
Structuring those is helpful to make them more easy to parse for humans.)

Thanks for pushing this forward.

kind regards,

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