Am 29. October 2017 um 12:59 Uhr +0000 schrieb Sam Whited <>:
> In retrospect my example was poor. I need to know *why* this is helpful. What 
> do you do with the formatting? How is it helpful?

Now, that depends on what is actually explained. If for example there's
some kind of configuration option you talk about it might be useful to
colourise it each time it's mentioned. Another example might be
comparing the functionality of two different programmes, in which you
might want to colourise depending on what programme you refer to. One
can't really make a general statement when colour is useful in this
context, as it simply depends on what is talked about. And in any case,
this is a supplemental feature as one can perfectly explain without

> On a more specific note: what do you do in most messengers that don't
> let you use formatting?

I use IRC for that. Pretty much any IRC client allows mIRC colour codes.
Your question was not restricted to what XMPP clients can do today.

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