* Jonas Wielicki <jo...@wielicki.name> [2017-12-19 09:58]:
> Title: User Avatar to vCard-Based Avatars Conversion

This is a nice and short patch to the convoluted avatar vs. MUC problem
we are having.

My only issue is that an 84-only client will upload the avatar under the
assumption that it will be limited to contacts, but the server will open
it to the whole world. Requiring a client update to let the user know
the implications is not how this problem can be solved.

The obvious solution is to make this depend on PEP access model, but
then we end up with public avatars for everyone via any protocol, which
is not universally useful either.

I think it would be better to adopt the following model before / in
addition to supporting PEP 'open' access:

When an entity requests the user's vcard, only return the PEP-originated
image if:

 - the PEP avatar node is 'open' access, OR
 - the requester is subscribed to the user, OR
 - the requester has received directed presence from the user.

Otherwise, return the vcard as initially stored by the user.

This should sufficiently reflect the user's expectations (only friends
may see the image) and also work in MUCs, because the user sent a
directed MUC join presence to the (full) MUC JID previously.

|| http://op-co.de ++  GCS d--(++) s: a C+++ UL+++ !P L+++ !E W+++ N  ++
|| gpg: 0x962FD2DE ||  o? K- w---() O M V? PS+ PE-- Y++ PGP+ t+ 5 R+  ||
|| Ge0rG: euIRCnet ||  X(+++) tv+ b+(++) DI+++ D- G e++++ h- r++ y?   ||
++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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