2018-03-22 20:09 GMT+01:00 Tedd Sterr <teddst...@outlook.com>:
> 2) Advance XEP-0066 to Final - https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0066.html


> 3) Advance XEP-0048 to Final - https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0048.html


> 4) Adopt Proposal "Bookmarks 2 (This Time it's Serious)" -
> https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/bookmarks2.html

+1 (Even though I would have preferred it if
https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/611/ had been merged prior) I’m a bit
concerned that we will now publish a XEP w/o necessary security
considerations and then somehow forget about that PR)

> 7) XEP-0223: Add a warning about publish-options support -
> https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/608
> Georg notes the PR comes with a notice about making discovery a MUST and
> asks whether that can also be voted on.
> Kev and Dave compete for bragging rights over who was first to veto their
> own PR.
> Kev makes a note to Editor that PEP needs to change to Pubsub in this PR
> before merge, as this isn't storing anything in PEP.
> Kev: +1 (provisional on SHOULD/MUST and PEP/Pubsub, to speed things along)
> Dave: -1 (prefer MUST check discovery and I'm find with changing it to
> Pubsub)
> Sam: +1
> Georg: +1
> Daniel: [pending]

+1 if changed to MUST
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