I implemented this several times for various closed systems. I always
attached a per message timeout that started the moment the message was
read. No timeout changes after a message has already been sent.
Ironically most of my implementations would probably be compatible
with each other if it weren’t for the closed, non federating systems.
I brought this up in the xsf muc recently if I should write a XEP for
what I’ve been implementing repeatedly. But people didn’t seem very


2018-05-10 2:12 GMT+02:00 Alexander Krotov <ilab...@gmail.com>:
> I propose to extend OMEMO with disappearing messages.
> There is already a thread with a subject: "Self-destruct" message timeout 
> deletion hints.
> It started with this message: 
> https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2016-October/031515.html
> Continued in November: 
> https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2016-November/031595.html
> Last message is from 2017: 
> https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2017-February/032092.html
> The thread was started shortly after Signal announced its implementation
> of disappearing messages in October 2016.[1] Rationale provided in
> the blog post is worth repeating here to avoid talking about the
> goals of this feature again, because it causes confusion all the
> time (emphasis mine):
>> Disappearing messages are a way for you and your friends to keep
>> your message history tidy. They are a *collaborative feature* for
>> conversations where all participants want to automate minimalist
>> data hygiene, *not for situations where your contact is your adversary*
>> — after all, if someone who receives a disappearing message really
>> wants a record of it, they can always use another camera to take a
>> photo of the screen before the message disappears.
> See also the Signal FAQ entry for disappearing messages[2].
> Implementing Snapchat-over-XMPP is a non-goal, so we don't have to
> take into account hostile clients.  Someone may run a client that
> advertises support for disappearing messages and does not actually
> delete them, but it is the problem of trust between users.  Hostile
> user may just as well run a client that advertises end-to-end
> encryption, but leaks encryption keys or message contents later.
> The problem with previous thread is that it was about *message
> hints*, as defined in XEP-0334[3].  Legacy clients, as well as
> legacy or hostile servers, may not implement these hints and store
> messages permanently without any way for users to ensure their
> messages are deleted. Therefore, any plaintext message should be
> assumed to be stored permanently, and there is no point in implementing
> timers for them. Telegram developers seem to understand it too, and
> only implement timed messages for end-to-end encrypted "secret
> chats", in contrast to plaintext "cloud chats".
> What I propose instead of message hints is to extend OMEMO with:
> 1. a way to discover disappearing message timer support per device,
> 2. a way to specify timer value in messages,
> 3. specification of timer value semantics,
> 4. a protocol to negotiate common disappearing message timer.
> Signal solutions to these problems cannot be copied exactly for
> several reasons, which I describe below.
> 1. A way to discover disappearing message timer support per device.
> In XMPP, some devices will never get the support for disappearing
> messages. Therefore, disappearing messages must be encrypted only
> for devices which advertise their support.
> Signal didn't have to deal with this problem. All devices were
> eventually updated to the newest version of the Signal and processed
> disappearing messages.
> As I understand from OMEMO specification[4], the best place to
> advertise support for disappearing messages is the device bundle.
> As for UI, OMEMO+Timers can be treated simply as another encryption
> method. User will have to choose between None, OpenPGP, OTR, OMEMO
> and OMEMO+Timers. If user selects OMEMO+Timers, devices which only
> support OMEMO will receive a message they can't decrypt.
> Devices that don't support OMEMO+Timers will leave the trace of
> communication, but little can be done about it I believe. Proper
> metadata protection, i.e., hiding the fact of communication, is
> impossible in XMPP, so it is a non-goal for this proposal.
> 2. A way to specify timer value in messages.
> Timer value should be placed somewhere in <message> tag. I would
> also like to make it encrypted. Problem is, the only encrypted part
> of the message is the <payload> which contains plaintext message
> corresponding to the contents of <body> and is not extensible.
> OX (XEP-0374) solves the problem by treating payload contents as
> the <message> contents, i.e., the payload can contain multiple
> <body> tags, chat state notifications etc.
> I believe this approach can be copied to OMEMO in backwards-compatible
> way. Until then, I suggest that we send message timers unencrypted,
> just like chat state notifications, and move both inside encrypted
> part later. Even though OMEMO+Timers has to be treated as different
> encryption method, I would like to keep the changes minimal, avoid
> changing namespaces and maintaining two completely separate
> implementations.
> <timer> tag with some namespace, which probably should be registered
> with XMPP Registrar, will contain the timer value in seconds.
> 3. Specification of timer value semantics.
> We should define what timer value means. To see what the options
> are, it is worth to take look at Wickr. It has both the Expiration
> Timer and Burn-on-Read timer[5].
> Expiration timer is synchronous. Looks like the motivation behind
> it is to save data storage more than privacy[6]. XMPP already
> implements similar functionality as "expire-at" AMP condition[7].
> What we want instead is the Burn-on-Read semantics. That is what
> Signal and Telegram implement.
> It should be clearly specified when the timer starts on each of the
> devices.
> According to the Telegram FAQ[8], the timer starts counting as soon
> as the message is read on the receiver device, and as soon as the
> reading receipt is received on the sender device. This approach
> cannot be applied to XMPP, because reading receipts are not guaranteed
> to be enabled. Besides that, Telegram does not support more than
> two devices per secret chat, so it is not clear how to extend it
> to multiple device setting.
> In Signal, protocol is asynchronous. Timer starts counting on the
> sender device after the message is sent. CONTRIBUTING.md file in
> Signal-Android repository states it as one of the design principles
> of Signal: "There is no such thing as time. Protocol ideas that
> require synchronized clocks are doomed to failure." I think we
> should adopt this principle too, because we don't want message to
> be kept for longer than they should on devices with lagging clocks.
> So, the following semantics apply. On the sender device the timer
> starts immediately. On each receiver device the timer starts counting
> as soon as the message is read. On own devices, the message must
> be considered read immediately.
> Signal seems to violate its own principle of asynchronism here.
> Instead of simply starting the timer on all own devices, it starts
> the timer on the originating device and synchronizes the message
> together with absolute timestamp of the timer start. The reason for
> this absolute timestamp I can think of is own devices which were
> offline when the message was sent. Perhaps we should also send
> absolute timestamp to own devices and take minimum of the received
> timestamp and current time as the moment of timer start. Or, invent
> some other way to subtract delivery time from the timer value.
> Similar synchronization concerns apply to the receiving side. What
> happens when message expires on one of the devices? Signal avoids
> this by synchronizing read state across devices, so timers start
> almost simultaneously on all devices. We should also send read
> receipts to own devices, even if sending read receipts to originating
> parties is disabled, and start timers when we receive such "carbon
> copy" read receipts.
> 4. A protocol to negotiate common disappearing message timer.
> It is an essential feature, which Signal and Telegram implement.
> Wire and Wickr don't, and it makes disappearing messages way less
> usable: if one has it enabled, but someone else in a group doesn't,
> everyone ends up with a partial conversation history. Even worse
> when different timer values are used.
> When user changes the setting, Signal sends special "expiration
> timer update" to all other devices in a group. In XMPP it can be
> implemented by sending a message without body, in the same way as
> <composing/> chat state notifications are sent.
> In rare case expiration timer update can be lost. To synchronize
> the setting, timer values form normal messages are treated as
> expiration timer updates too.
> This can lead to a problem when user changes the setting, expiration
> timer update is lost, and then it receives a message with old
> setting. In this case the setting is reverted, and user has to set
> it again.
> However, this race condition should be rare and I can't find more
> reliable solution which does not involve absolute timestamps and
> timer update retransmissions. Described protocol is simple and good
> enough already. This setting synchronization is a Byzantine agreement
> problem, so there is no perfect solution anyway.
> I have not looked into Telegram implementation of timer synchronization,
> but it is unlikely we can learn much from it, as it only supports
> two devices.
> So far I have done this research on existing solutions and outlined
> what I want to formally propose. Next steps would be writing a XEP
> and implementing a prototype on top of some desktop OMEMO implementation,
> most likely Gajim or Dino.
> Any input and help are welcome.
> [1] https://signal.org/blog/disappearing-messages/
> [2] 
> https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/213134237-Does-Signal-have-disappearing-messages-
> [3] https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0334.html
> [4] https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html
> [5] 
> https://support.wickr.com/hc/en-us/articles/115007397548-Auto-Destruction-Expiration-and-Burn-on-read-BOR-
> [6] 
> https://medium.com/cryptoblog/the-rising-cost-of-storage-why-data-should-not-live-beyond-its-useful-life-1266a8e94983
> [7] https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0079.html#conditions-def-expireat
> [8] https://telegram.org/faq#q-how-do-self-destructing-messages-work
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