Am Di., 8. Jan. 2019 um 16:55 Uhr schrieb Jonas Schäfer <>:

> 1. Is this specification needed to fill gaps in the XMPP protocol
> stack or to clarify an existing protocol?

I’m not sure. Is the intent of the XEP to keep me reliably connected
to a MUC or is it intended to figure out if I’m connected to a group

The XEP is worded as if it aims to solve the later but then I’m not
sure when I would use this XEP.

If the intent of the protocol is to keep me connected to a MUC I’m
missing on on very crucial information like:
* How often do I ping?
* What time out do I use?
* Does the time out increase when i’m in smack hibernation?
* What do I do when i notice I’m no longer connected?
* Do I try to reconnect? How many times? In what interval? Is there a
maximum number of retries?
* Do i still ping the group chat even if my app is in background or in
* Do I need a push from the server in #ping-interval to wake up my app
to allow it to ping the muc server?

> 2. Does the specification solve the problem stated in the introduction
> and requirements?

I’m unsure what problem it aims to solve so I can’t judge if it solves
that problem.

> 3. Do you plan to implement this specification in your code? If not,
> why not?


> 4. Do you have any security concerns related to this specification?

I guess not.

> 5. Is the specification accurate and clearly written?

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