Hi Daniel, folks,

* Georg Lukas <ge...@op-co.de> [2019-01-15 16:35]:
> thanks very much for your feedback. I'd like to improve the XEP text to
> make the points clearer to understand.

I've incorporated a number of smaller text changes in
https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/739 and would like to know if that
sufficiently addresses your concerns. There is also a rendered version
at https://op-co.de/tmp/xep-0410.html

I've also added the missing REQUIRED sections (Dave) and the disco#info
feature (Jonas). After a short discussion on xsf@, this is now actually
"Standards" and not "Informational" (Jonas), as it is introducing a new
disco#info feature! Phew.

Thanks everybody,

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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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