Also replying to Goffi implicitly.

On Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2019 14:29:41 CET Georg Lukas wrote:
> * Tedd Sterr <> [2019-01-16 21:50]:
> > My own preference would be for Deferred to represent a state of "good
> > idea; still needs more work; contributions welcome" - which it
> > arguably already does,
> I fully agree.
> > but it also includes many that should legitimately be obsoleted (not
> > that it's worth anyone's time to figure out by what), reducing the
> > signal-noise ratio.
> I'm not convinced of how much of a problem this acutally is, but it
> seems to be considered as problematic by some, so I'm not going to
> oppose it.
> With my XEP author hat on, I do have a Deferred XEP of my own (0379),
> and my feeling is that it's not quite ready for Draft. Ideally, I would
> like to let the Editor know that I want to keep it in Experimental for
> some more time, and to gather additional feedback. The Editor is allowed
> to move Deferred->Experimental ("Note that if a XEP is Deferred, the
> XMPP Extensions Editor may at some point re-assign it to Experimental
> status" in
> There is no framework for *when* the Editor should or should not do
> that, though. If Council and/or Board provide guidance to the Editors on
> when this shall happen, and if e.g. an author can ask the Editor to do
> just that, I'd be glad.

With my Editor hat on: I would like to avoid moving stuff from Deferred -> 
Experimental in all but two cases:

(1) A non-editorial update was made

(2) As a step right before moving it to Proposed


- Special-casing XEPs which the authors want in Experimental in the tooling is 
difficult, because it requires new metadata (i.e. changes to xep.dtd, possibly 
the xsl too, as well as xeplist.xml generation).

- What even is the point of Deferred if authors can opt-out of it? Or rather, 
what gain does Experimental bring an author aside from "it doesn’t look as 
bad" (which I think it rightfully does)?

(I’d prefer to bury that idea right away.)

kind regards,

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