On 2019/03/27, Sam Whited wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019, at 19:33, Ненахов Андрей wrote:
> > How do I turn off markdown processing on your side? I don't even know
> > you do have some thing that misformats my message despite having no
> > intent to be misformatted that way. This is especially a problem when
> > someone is trying to pass parts of computer code or config.
> What I'm saying is that *I* want to decide what messages I receive look
> like, why would I want you to be able to arbitrarily turn on or off *my*
> formatting? If you send me a message, I should be the one to decide if I
> use your plain text fallback (eg. *bold*) or the actual markdown (bolded
> text). You shouldn't get to decide what I see and don't see. If you
> don't want me to see styling, don't send me something with styling
> directives.

I agree with this. I agree with this so much that I fail to see how
you relate that to 0393.

In 0393, there is no "sending client" per se, there is only receiving
clients. One cannot distinguish between intended and accidental markup.
I, as a receiver, can choose not to display markup, or to display what
may or may not be markup.

Also with 0393, I as a sender cannot ensure the semantic meaning will go
through. I generally use "*foo*" to indicate an action. This has nothing
to do with bold. My next "*foo*" might actually just be bold, but you
can't distinguish between the two.

I would like to be able to tell you that, so you(r client) make(s) the
correct decision when displaying it.

Maxime “pep” Buquet

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