Hi goffi,

* goffi <go...@goffi.org> [2019-11-05 22:58]:
> I'm really busy these days and couldn't do an extensive review, but here is
> my feedback:

Thank you for your feedback!

> It's really chat focused, and I would like to see other categories, notably
> a "social" one. I would put there XEP-0277 as the bare minimum, and RSM for
> PubSub + MAM for Pubsub for advanced clients.

Unfortunately, I'm veeeeeery time-bound this week, but I need to bring
the Draft proposal up in today's Council. I would very kindly ask you,
and everybody else involved in Social IM, to provide a PR, or a
free-form table that corresponds to our typical Core/Advanced
distinction with different labeled entries, in the next days / weeks. We
can then add it into the Draft XEP under the new Council.

> Why Jingle SOCKS5 Bytestreams Transport Method (XEP-0260) is missing from
> the list while XEP-0261 is there?

XEP-0234 requires support for 0261 at a minimum, and mentions 0260 as
recommended, so it should be discoverable by prospective developers. The
Compliance Suite doesn't have a notion for "recommended", so everything
listed there must be implemented, on the other hand.

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