
On 12/18/19 3:22 PM, Andrew Nenakhov wrote:
In the end we have settled for counting characters of escaped string, so

This sounds like a terrible idea. In encoded XML, ">", "&#x3E;", "&gt;" and "<!CDATA[>]]>" are equivalent. I just tried it out and servers indeed do convert all of those to their shortest well-formed variant (which is "&gt;") so you cannot rely on their reference length at all. Servers may at their discretion convert non-ascii characters to their character reference form (starting with &#). I have seen this at least once happening with emojis.

to draw *&&&* in a client we count it as string with a length of 15, thus <bold> reference points to characters 0..14: <reference xmlns="urn:xmpp:reference:0" begin="0" end="14" type="markup"><bold /></reference>

Luckily for you, this looks pretty non-standard, so you don't have to deal with your implementation being incompatible with others. Also as soon as XEP-0372 becomes actually more stable, you are technically standard non-compliant because there is no <bold /> element defined for the namespace "urn:xmpp:reference:0". You are apparently mixing XEP-0372 and XEP-0394.

Also that's a weird counting there, usually I would expect end to point to the position after the last referenced character - at least that's what you do in most programming languages (e.g. "&amp;&amp;&amp;"[0:14] will give you "&amp;&amp;&amp" without the last ";").
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