I'm putting this in a separate thread because it doesn't relate to the
specific text that is currently proposed.  Feel free to use this thread
for any links to evidence or research for or against having a CoC.

We've all seen a lot of news about vaccine development lately.  Pharma
companies need to put their products through 3 phases of trials to prove
they are not harmful.

Has there ever been any empirical research into the impact of CoC and

a) what are the goals of the CoC?
b) how do we measure those goals?
c) does the CoC achieve those goals?
d) are there any side effects?

One of the arguments people make for having a CoC elsewhere is that it
will improve female participation.  When a researcher tried to count the
number of women he was accused of CoC breaking:


David Arroyo Menéndez:
"I've generated the graph to count males and females in Debian"

Steve McIntyre:
"Please do *not* send any more messages to Debian lists about
this project in future. If you do, we will need to request that <b>you
be banned from the communication channels of the project"

I went and published my own figures and they were shared on sites like


"Surprisingly, the data from Pocock points to there actually being less
women (including trans) involved in Debian in the more recent years
since the Code of Conduct was enacted"

Debian refuses to discuss the research, they prefer to attack the
person.  In other words, the CoC completely contradicts itself.



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