Travis Vitek wrote:
Martin Sebor wrote:
Travis Vitek wrote:
It appears that svn has a pre-commit hook that could be used to require that the correct change format be used for all
submissions. That would avoid this problem in the future.
That'd be cool! Maybe we could even use it to reject badly formatted
changes ;-) Seriously, the question is, can we use the hook w/o svn
admin privileges?


The script itself doesn't require admin privs, but installing it might.
I'm not really much of an svn user/administrator so I don't know for
sure. Obviously someone would have to 'flip the switch' by putting the
script into the correct directory.

Now that I think about it, there is a bit of a wrinkle. Apache svn is
shared by all of the apache projects, so the same set of hooks is used
for them all. Obviously our hook could check the affected file path
before examining the changelog, but I don't know if that would be good

Being in a position of enforcing our coding style across all
of the ASF sounds intriguing but I suspect we might encounter
some initial resistance until we've convinced every committer
that our style was the best ;-)

I think it is something that would be useful, particularly because I'm
the one always goofing up the changelogs.

I agree. The biggest hurdle is getting others, including the
INFRA team, on board with this (we might be able to make it
slightly easier by volunteering for INFRA). If you can find
a way that would let us hook into svn just for us, w/o going
through too much bureaucracy, I think it might be worthwhile
looking into.


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