Thanks Scott. Good to see you are online.

These instructions are good. I was about to press 'send' on an almost identical 
mail :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Golightly [] 
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: How to create and populate DB


I am not Drew and he may have different instructions but I just installed
Stonehenge last week. Here are the steps that I used to create the database
on my Windows Server 2008 VPC.
1. Open SetupActions.sln in Visual Studio 2008. On my machine it is located
in c:\StockTraderDemo\setup_utilities\SetupActions
2. Open the App.config file in the SetupActions project
        a. Change the dbServer value. From the thread below it sounds like
yours should be set to .\SQLExpress
        b. Change the dbPassword value. This would be the value that you
assigned to the sa account when you installed SQLExpress.
3. Compile the solution. Build -> Build Solution menu.
4. After the compilation you will have a bin\debug directory with the exe
file. Open a command prompt as an administrator and navigate to
c:\StockTraderDemo\setup_utilities\SetupActions\bin\debug and run

This created the database and populated the tables for me.

Scott Golightly

-----Original Message-----
From: Ranjitha V [] 
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: How to create and populate DB

Hi Drew,

we have "*SetupAction.cs* " and "*SetupActions.csproj ". *

The code, "SetupActions.csproj" seems to be compiling "SetupAction.cs" along
with other files.
And "SetupActions.cs" is the one that is creating the database and
populating them with initial

So,I infer that we have to run "SetupActions.csproj". Am I correct?
Or do we have to run "SetupActions.cs"?


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Drew Baird (Volt)

> Hi Ranjitha,
> You should set this to whatever 'instance' you want to Use  to use. On my
> system I use ./MSSQLSERVER, Often if you only have one instance on your
> MSSQL installation can simply use "." I have three different flavors of
> MSSQL running on my machine. The readme says "dbserver is set to
> ".\MSQLServer " If you use SQLExpress it will be different."  I will
> the readme to be more clear on this.
> Use whatever instance you want as long as it is installed. Of course you
> want to be consistent.
> From MSDN: "The default installation of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
> uses an instance name of SQLEXPRESS." So if that is your case then
> substitute SQLEXPRESS.
> Hope This helps.
> Here is more on MSSQL instances.
> Best,
> Drew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ranjitha V []
> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:08 AM
> To:
>  Subject: Re: How to create and populate DB
> Hi Drew,
> You have mentioned this in your first reply to Harold.
> c. dbserver is set to ".\MSQLServer " If you use SQLExpress or *another
> MSSQL Instance* it will be different.
> I have posted this question once before. My server is set to SQLEXPRESS
> not to
> MSSQLSERVER (as required). This is also mentioned in the wiki
> My question is simple. Can I continue with creation and population of
> database with the SQLEXPRESS running.
> Or is it imperative that I need to have the MSSQLSERVER running. If
> possible, can you clarify the difference between
> the two?
> Regards,
> Ranjitha
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Drew Baird (Volt) <
> >wrote:
> > HI Vineet,
> > It is hard to tell what you need because of the way the replies are
> > interwoven.
> > I think you said "> There  are  a number  of  "SetupActions" in the
> > Can pls tell me specifically which one??.
> >
> > The Link:
> >
> >
> > This is a C# solution and project. When the C# program is compiled it
> will
> > run the script in setupActions.cs. If you don't want to use dotnet/C#
> > can read the code and see what it does. Here is where the paths are
> defined.
> > @"Setup\DATALOAD\CreateInsertXMLAccountProfileProc.sql";
> >        string CREATE_LOADACCOUNTXML =
> > @"Setup\DATALOAD\CreateInsertXMLAccountProc.sql";
> >        string CREATE_LOADHOLDINGXML =
> > @"Setup\DATALOAD\CreateInsertXMLHoldingProc.sql";
> >        string CREATE_LOADORDERSXML =
> > @"Setup\DATALOAD\CreateInsertXMLOrdersProc.sql";
> >        string CREATE_LOADQUOTEXML =
> > @"Setup\DATALOAD\CreateInsertXMLQuoteProc.sql";
> >
> > So it looks like 5 scripts above physically exist in :
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps. You really need to read and understand the rest of the
> > program to understand parameters and how to run the scripts manually.
> >
> > HTH
> > Drew
> > <Rest of mail snipped for clarity>

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