Hi Obeida,

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Abu Obeida Bakhach <abu.obe...@microsoft.com
> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I've written a quick document that can serve as a basic Stonehenge
> stocktrader functional spec. the audience is for first time stocktrader
> users, who are not necessarily interested in setup/configuration details,
> yet are interested in a high level view.

This is a very good document for the first time users. Can we have an
appendix section and include the WSDL for the interfaces? Also some
descritpion of table structures? This will allow the new users to start
implementing it using this document.

> I would appreciate your feedback about it in any way.

- Figure 1 is missing (I am using openoffice, and not sure whether
openoffice could read .docx formats correctly)
- section 3 starts as "The core .NET stocktrader", I guess, you wanted to
mean "The core stonehenge stocktrader" ?
- in 3.1 web application layer, "The UI layer relays user requests to the
Business Service Layer via XXXX, and displays info retrieved from the BSL to
the user" , here XXXX is web service call???

> In particular, I would like some help listing out simple bullets outlining
> the ws-* specs used and their versions. For anybody who is more familiar
> with the code than me, I would appreciate your help!

We are using following specs
WS-Security 1.1
WS-Addressing 1.0

> Perhaps the final version can be a wiki page, I am open to suggestions
> about location a well

+1 for wiki.


> Thanks,

Software Architect
WSO2 Inc.
http://wso2.com/ - "The Open Source SOA Company"

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