On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Harold Carr <harold.c...@sun.com> wrote:

> I am Harold Carr, the architect of the Metro web services stack at
> Sun.  We have been working on a Metro-based version of the Stonehenge
> StockTrader sample application. I am excited to announce that I have
> just uploaded the initial Metro-based version of the code:
>    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STONEHENGE-69
> At this time we have implemented the Business Service and Order
> Processing Service.  A separate web-based GUI front-end will come later.
> We have successfully interoperated between the .NET-based version and
> the Metro-based version.
> Kent Brown, of Microsoft, is working on a patch for configuring the
> .NET application and services to interop with the Sun Metro-based
> version.  He will be uploading that patch separately soon.
> We are now starting to test with the WSO2 PHP and WSAS versions of the
> services.
> Could some committers look at the uploaded source and determine if it
> can be directly incorporated into the 'contrib' area or if anythings else
> needs to be done first?
> After that I would appreciate guidance on the process required to move
> this into the trunk area, and then eventually to get it officially
> released.

Awesome work Harold! Will give it a whirl and see.




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