Umm...   first order of business:   the CDDL and LGPL jars MUST be removed 
from the Apache SVN ASAP.   They should not have been committed.    Either 
update the build system to grab them (probably from the maven repos) or update 
the instructions to tell the user how to obtain them.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 12:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Initial Metro-based version of Stonehenge stocktrader application
> Hello all,
> I am Harold Carr, the architect of the Metro web services stack at
> Sun.  We have been working on a Metro-based version of the Stonehenge
> StockTrader sample application. I am excited to announce that I have
> just uploaded the initial Metro-based version of the code:
> At this time we have implemented the Business Service and Order
> Processing Service.  A separate web-based GUI front-end will come later.
> We have successfully interoperated between the .NET-based version and
> the Metro-based version.
> Kent Brown, of Microsoft, is working on a patch for configuring the
> .NET application and services to interop with the Sun Metro-based
> version.  He will be uploading that patch separately soon.
> We are now starting to test with the WSO2 PHP and WSAS versions of the
> services.
> Could some committers look at the uploaded source and determine if it
> can be directly incorporated into the 'contrib' area or if anythings else
> needs to be done first?
> After that I would appreciate guidance on the process required to move
> this into the trunk area, and then eventually to get it officially
> released.
> Thanks,
> Harold
> NOTE: The source code is a 32MB zip file split into 4 chunks (using
> Unix "split") so I could attach it to the Jira issue:
>   32554092 Jun  3 20:37
>    8388608 Jun  3 20:52 metroaa
>    8388608 Jun  3 20:52 metroab
>    8388608 Jun  3 20:52 metroac
>    7388268 Jun  3 20:52 metroad
> ;;; End

Daniel Kulp

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