On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Ben Dewey <ben.de...@26ny.com> wrote:

> Sorry about that I had it commented out from previous tests.  Now, I'm 
> receiving a 500 error with the following message in the wsas log.
> -------------------
> [2010-02-10 20:33:47,099] ERROR -  Must Understand check failed for header 
> http:
> //docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd 
> : S
> ecurity {org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine}
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Must Understand check failed for header 
> http://docs.
> oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd : 
> Security

Did you import the BS.jks and OPS.jks keystores from the WSAS
management console? If that's already done and assuming you've
compiled the latest trunk, could you please attach <WSAS



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