On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Ben Dewey <ben.de...@26ny.com> wrote:

> After adding the OPS and BS jks files I'm still receiving the 500 error.  I'm 
> attaching the aar file (also copying you personally since I think the list 
> strips bin files).

I wanted to check the services.xml file. That seems to be fine. Ben, I
built .Net and WSAS again and tried to configure using the steps and
it worked. I blogged about the steps until we get this to the wiki -

Can you try with the WSAS latest version which is 3.1.2 please?

> Do I still need to add the thumbprint for the trusted issuer of localhost?

You need this when you want to point to the Identity Server passive
STS. You don't need this when you're talking to the .Net passive STS.



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