We have a report due this Month. Please review the report below

Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of example 
applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and 
platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using 
currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols.

Since the last Stonehenge report in May, the Stonehenge community has concluded 
very extensive testing of the M2 milestone. M2 was released on July 10th with a 
rich feature set:

-       Added a StockTrader implementation based on the Sun/Oracle Metro stack 
fully exercising the WS-* features in Metro

-       Introduced support for WS-Trust, WS-Federation and WS-Security specs in 
all of the supported implementations of StockTrader.

-       Added claims based access using active and passive STS for .NET, Axis2 
and Metro

-       A slick configuration UI that allows for dynamic configuration of 
backend services, selecting any service from each tack
The community also has welcomed the addition of two new committers based on 
their hard work in M2, Pablo Cibraro and Nicholas Hauenstein.

The community is currently reviewing strategic options for the project moving 

Abu Obeida Bakhach
Interoperability PM | Developer Platform Evangelism| Microsoft

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