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[This doesn't warrant much comment; just an alert and
an update. But note that Uzbekistan has been attacked
from outside its borders by armed extremists for years
now, and that the latter have several times approached
the outskirts of the capital, Tashkent, itself. Yet
IWPR, true to form, portrays the besieged nation as
the perpetrator and not the victim of attacks and, as
is to be expected, hides its destabilization efforts
behind the cloak of - of course - human rights.
IWPR, like so many of its sister 'NGOs,' is
predictable in providing cover for drug trade-linked,
cross-border armed brigands. The prototype was
Afghanistan in the 1980s, when the proliferation of
NGOs and alleged human rights organizations began in

Saturday, June 2, 2000 

International War & Peace Reporting
Tashkent Show Trials 
Human rights groups say a series of Tashkent show
trials are a stunt aimed at exaggerating the threat
posed by Muslim extremists

By Said Khojaev in Tashkent (RCA No. 54, 1-June-01)

Massive show trials of mountain villagers accused of
conspiring with Muslim guerrillas began in Tashkent
last month.

Human rights activists say many of the 70 or so
defendants are simple folk who did no more than hand
out loaves of bread to people they thought were
ordinary travellers.

The court proceedings are showpiece events in the
sense of being surrounded by colossal panoply of
security which, human rights activists say, is
designed to convince the outside world that dangerous
criminals are being brought to justice. 

They are not, however, like the classic Soviet show
trials where the prosecution was thrown open to world
scrutiny. None of the four trials in Tashkent permit
journalists, human rights representatives or
international observers.

The villagers were arrested last December at the end
of a military operation to stamp out bands of fighters
from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, IMU, which
had launched raids into southern Uzbekistan from
neighbouring Tajikistan. The fighting went on
throughout the summer and autumn in the Sariasiisk and
Uzun districts of the Surkhandaria region.

After the fighting, Uzbek troops burned down three
remote mountain kishlaks, as villages are known there,
and resettled the occupants in makeshift dwellings
down on the plains of the Sherbad district in

Soon police started calling in the night to arrest
displaced villagers suspected of having shown sympathy
to Islamic guerrillas, according to the Human Rights
Society of Uzbekistan, HRSU. After some six months of
intense interrogation, suspects were accused of
cooperating with guerrillas and failing to report
their activities, the HRSU said.

Initially, the prosecutor's office denied the
villagers would be put on trial, insisting that they
would only be called as witnesses. So, it came as a
shock when they suddenly appeared in the dock in May.

Relatives of the accused said they had been kept in
the dark about the whereabouts of their loved ones.
The authorities refused to give them any information.
It was only when some called at the solitary
confinement wing of Tashkent prison that they learned
the trials were about to start.

The courts are surrounded by cordons of militia. Units
of OMON special forces are at the scene as well as
agents from the National Security Service, formerly
known as the KGB.

Mikhail Ardzinov, chairman of the Independent Human
Rights Organisation of Uzbekistan, IHROU, says such
ostentatious security is to convey the impression that
highly dangerous criminals are on trial.

Relatives who managed to get into the courtroom said
the health of defendants had deteriorated sharply
during their six months of detention. Parents of
Khudainazar Alimakhmadov were unable to spot him in
the courtroom. Only when he started waving at them did
they recognise their son. The parents said he looked
beaten and exhausted.

Khalima Shoimova, a human rights activist from the
Surkhandaria region, believes the charges are
ill-founded since even if mountain villagers had
contact with gunmen infiltrating from Tajikistan there
was no sinister intent. 

She pointed out that the villagers lived without
electricity, gas and or schools. Such poorly educated,
uninformed people knew nothing about the gunmen or
their activities, Shoimova said. 

"These are simple people who live in the mountains and
are governed by the laws of Nature, " she said. "If
strangers arrived buying food and paying good money
why should they not trade with them? When they gave
them bread, they did not think that they were helping
gunmen or working against state authority."

Such arguments, however, are unlikely to sway
prosecutors. Uzbekistan's past experience shows that
the testimony of defendants and witnesses supporting
them is rarely heeded, while complaints about torture
during interrogation are ignored.

"Uzbekistan's criminal judicial system offers no
protection against arbitrary police procedures and
provides little in the way of guarantees for a
defendant's right of access to a lawyer," said a
recent report by the Human Rights Watch.

Talib Lakulov of HRSU wrote last January that kishlak
people are being placed on trial to convince the
international community that Muslim extremism and
international terrorism are threatening Central Asia
and Uzbekistan in particular.

"But it is obvious that the terror unleashed by the
authorities against the peaceful population of
kishlaks in Surkhandaria is much greater than the
alleged terror inflicted by guerrillas from abroad,"
Lakulov said.

Said Khojaev is the pseudonym of a journalist in

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