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[Just yesterday NATO chief George Robertson, in
commenting on drug abuse in Great Britain - not a
topic covered in the original Atlantic Charter, by the
way - mentioned in passing that Kazakhstan had more
oil "than all the Gulf States combined."
How quickly NATO and the OSCE are on the spot.
The mixed message emanating from the two organizations
is this: Clamp down on drug-trafficking insurgents,
but treat them with kid gloves.
The intent behind the message is this: As it's
impossible to navigate between the Scylla of
suppressing cross-border terrorism and the Charybdis
of not using force to do so, someone else will have to
assist you in this gentle exercise. To wit, NATO. But
as the Balkans demonstrate, it's easier getting NATO
into one's country than it is to get it out.]  

OSCE Chief Urges Respect for Human Rights in

ASTANA, Jun 5, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) The
acting head of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, Romanian Foreign Minister
Mircea Geoana, urged security issues be tackled at the
same time as human rights issues during a visit to
former Soviet Kazakhstan Monday.

Economic development and boosting regional security
"should happen simultaneously with the spread of
democracy and the observation of human rights," Geoana
was quoted by Interfax as saying.

Some Central Asian leaders have been accused of
clamping down on the human rights of their citizens
after the region was rocked by Islamic extremist
attacks last August.

Geoana was speaking after a meeting with Kazakh
President Nursultan Nazarbayev on the first leg of a
tour of four Central Asian republics.

During the meeting Nazabayev called on the OSCE to
take a more active role in resolving economic and
ecological problems, Interfax reported.

The two sides also discussed the possibility of OSCE
participation in resolving transnational problems,
such as the fight against terrorism and trafficking of
drugs in the Central Asian region.

Regional leaders often call on international
organizations to take a more active part in fighting
problems that plague Central Asia, such as resurgent
Islamic fundamentalism and the smuggling of weapons
and narcotics.

The two men also discussed Kazakhstan's cooperation
with the OSCE as well as with the European Community
and NATO.

Geoana will visit four Central Asian republics,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan on
a tour expected to center around the promotion of
human rights and democracy. ((c) 2001 Agence France

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