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Surprized? "When they are ready" = When they've bought
enough advanced weapons systems from my friends the
defense contractors, many of whose boards I've sat on.

June 9, 2001
Rumsfeld Favors NATO Expansion
AP Military Writer
TURKU, Finland (AP) -- The United States favors adding
new members to the 19-nation NATO alliance ''when they
are ready,'' Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told
his counterparts from the Nordic and Baltic nations
The Bush administration has not defined a timetable or
plan for expanding NATO, one of several major
irritants in the U.S.-Russia relationship. Russia
strongly opposed the last NATO expansion in 1999 when
Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic joined the
Rumsfeld also assured the Baltic and Nordic nations
they will be included in the administration's
consultations on taking a new approach to security and
defense, which Rumsfeld called a ''new framework of
On the final stop of a seven-nation European tour,
Rumsfeld met in this bustling Baltic Sea city with the
defense ministers of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,
Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are among nine countries
considered candidates for NATO membership, although
the alliance is not expected to decide which, if any,
to admit until November 2002.
Rumsfeld told Saturday's meeting that the
administration has an ''open door'' policy on NATO
expansion, but he was not prepared to say whether it
would support early entry for the Baltic nations, a
U.S. official said.
It was not clear whether President Bush, during his
European trip next week, will present a more detailed
U.S. position on NATO expansion, the official said.
The subject is expected to come up when Bush attends a
NATO meeting in Brussels on Wednesday and meets
Russian President Vladimir Putin in Slovenia on June
In the Turku talks, Rumsfeld was making the case that
new circumstances in the world -- in particular the
end of the U.S.-Soviet superpower competition and the
spread of ballistic missile technologies -- require a
new approach to defense.
Many U.S. allies and friends wonder what this will
mean, not only for U.S.-Russian relations but also for
NATO and America's military presence in Europe.
Rumsfeld was stressing that, in the U.S. view, missile
defense is a necessary component of a new ''framework
of deterrence,'' along with modernized conventional
forces and renewed emphasis on international
cooperation to limit the spread of weapons of mass
destruction and ballistic missiles, according to a
U.S. official participating in the talks. The official
discussed Rumsfeld's prepared remarks to the meeting
on condition of anonymity.
Rumsfeld was telling the ministers that an effective
U.S. missile defense system cannot be built within the
constraints of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty,
the official said. The administration has not said it
will withdraw from the treaty, but that is an option.

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