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In the name of Odin the All-Powerful, Thor the
Thunderer, his Invincible Son, and Thyl, his Brother
and Norse God of War, we invoke the power of the
Teutonic Master-Race to subdue the legions of Slavs
and other sub-humans. May lightening bolts descend
upon the heads of our adversaries and may the Nordic
Atlantic Tribal Organization reign ever supreme!  -
Donald Rumsfeld, June 9, 500 B.C. 

Saturday June 9, 6:50 PM
US, Baltic and Nordic defense ministers meet on
regional security
TURKU, Finland, June 9 (AFP) - 
US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld met with his
Baltic and Nordic opposite numbers here Saturday for a
regional security conference that is expected to air
pitches for NATO membership by three tiny Baltic
With NATO expected to decide next year on new members,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are coming down to the
wire in their bid to become the first former Soviet
republics to join the alliance.
The meeting will give Rumsfeld a chance to weigh the
progress made by the Baltic states in preparing for
NATO membership against Russia's opposition to NATO
expansion into the former Soviet Union.
The question of enlargement is coming to a head as
Washington and Moscow already are at sharp odds over
US plans to develop and deploy missile defenses beyond
the limits of the 1972 ABM treaty.
On Friday Rumsfeld held lengthy and strikingly
non-confrontational talks with Russian Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov in Brussels on a new strategic
framework for relations between the United States and
They said the talks were wide-ranging, but neither men
made any mention of the Baltics or NATO enlargement.
On missile defense, however, Ivanov reaffirmed
Moscow's opposition to changes in the ABM treaty but
left the door open to further dialogue with Washington
on a new strategic framework.
The last round of expansion in 1999, which coincided
with a NATO air war against Yugoslavia, infuriated
Moscow by admitting three former Soviet-bloc countries
-- the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
Now nine countries are hoping to be admitted at a NATO
summit in Prague next year. Besides the Baltic states,
they are Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania,
Slovakia and Slovenia.
Moscow has gradually reestablished ties with NATO that
were broken during the war against Belgrade, which is
culturally and historically close to Russia.
Ivanov said Friday that he expects a new NATO liaison
office to be opened in Moscow by the end of the year,
and he described Russia's cooperation with NATO in
Balkans peacekeeping as "a great success."
Rumsfeld's meetings here and in Brussels will set the
stage for a visit to Europe next week by President
George W. Bush, who is to hold his first summits with
EU states in Stockholm and with Russian President
Vladimir Putin in Slovenia.
Washington insists that the door to NATO membership
remains open and that no country will be excluded by
reason of history or geography.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Antanas Valionis in May
said Lithuanians were "sick and tired" of being kept
out of NATO because of Russias objections.
But US and NATO officials also have warned that the
criteria for membership are tough, and that countries
must show that they will add to the alliance's
The Baltic states had no national armies when they
gained independence in 1991. But they now have 22,500
active duty troops that are trained to operate with
NATO and together.
They have a joint peacekeeping battalion that serves
in Bosnia-Hercegoving. They share a defense college
for staff officers, a naval squadron and a radar

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