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EMS helps Israelis

-> Management Structure & Organizational Farmework -> Health Planning Projects Management -> School of Public Health -> Health Management Information System (HMIS) -> Health Research -> Human Resources Development & Management -> Quality of Health Care -> Health Finance -> Health Insurance -> Health Law, LLegislation, & Regulations -> International Cooperation -> Cancer Registry in Palestine -> Health Promotion & Education -> Family Midicne -> Women's Health & Development -> Mother and Child -> Major Child Survival National Programs -> School Health -> Environmental Health -> Occupational Health and Safety -> Road Safety Medical National Program -> Oral and Dental Health -> Mental Health & Mental Disorders -> Aging and Elderly Health -> Nutrition -> Epidemiology -> Rehabilitation -> Situation analysis -> Mission, National Goals & Objectives -> Buildings and Beds -> Gaza Strip -> West Bank -> Jerusalem District -> Emergence Medical Services -> Laboratories -> Blood Banks -> Imaging Services -> Pharmaceuticals Services -> Procurement, Storage and Distribution -> Maintenance -> Nursing Admifwifery -> Nursing and Midwifery

Last Update June 14, 2001

  • [new]Palestinian Citizen martyred, and Other Three Injured Few Hours After Israel Declares Cease-Fire
    Few hours after Israeli minister of defense, Benjamin Ali-Aizer, declared the beginning of carrying out Cease-Fire ...more details
  • Three- Month Administrative Detention - Dr. Sami Al-Awartani
    The Israeli Supreme Court has decided to arrest Dr. Samir AlAwartani, executive director of Rafidia Hospital at Nablus, for three months as an administrative ...more details
  • "Most Palestinians Were Exposed to Israeli Aggressions"

  • Tulkarem: Palestinian Citizen Was Martyred At An Israeli Barrier After The Israeli Soldiers Prevented him From Reaching the Hospital.

  • A Martyr in Rafah, Shelling in Deir Al-Balah and Halhol, Uprooting 2500 Olive Trees in Ramallah and Nablus

  • Tulkarem: Palestinian Citizen Was Martyred At An Israeli Barrier After The Israeli Soldiers Prevented him From Reaching the Hospital.

  • Three Palestinian Women Killed by Israeli Shell in the Gaza Strip

  • Palestinian Medical Resources at Nablus Declares the Martyrdom of the Palestinian Patient Citizen: Sabri Amin Mahmoud from El-Ras Village at Tulkarem

  • Israeli Occupation Forces Prevent the EMS of Tulkarem Health Directorate from Reaching Neighboring villages

  • Dr. Samer's Recent News

  • Dr. Zanoun: European Gaza Hospital Embodies the Cooperation Between European Union and UNRWA


  • Al-Awda Hospital at Gaza Has Received 1000 Injured Since the Beginning of Al-Aqsa Intifada

  • Palestinian Ministry of Health Continues Its Readiness and Saves All the Facilities for Facing Any Emergency.

  • Tow Palestinian Brothers Killed And Third in Serious Condition In Ramallah

  • Gaza: Hospitals On Alert to Face any Emergency

  • Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Attack Palestinian Citizens Causing 20 Injured and a Five-Month Pregnant Lady Abortion


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