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--- Darko Nadic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also, Rick, Georgievski is a victim of NATO and
> but if I remember well,
> several months, maybe a year or two ago, Georgievski
> said that next Congress
> meeting of his party VMRO-DPMNE will be held in
> "free Macedonian town
> Thessaloniki"Georgievsky thought that Thessaloniki
> (Greece) will be part of
> FYROM. Now he have to defend Skopje.

Like Shelley's poem Ozymandias if you know it. Or
Aesop's fable of the dog and the fish: Not satisfied
with the fish in his mouth, the dog sees its
reflection in a stream, grabs for it and loses both
the fish and its reflection. Let Georgievski's fate be
a warning to other NATO collaborateurs.

> We in Serbia can not forget how Macedonians from
> FYROM supported us during
> NATO aggression in 1999. I am on Macedonian side.
Nor can I. The people of Macedonia went right up
against NATO stormtroopers to demand they leave the
Balkans. They staged massive, passionate
demonstrations in Skopje and throughout the country
protesting NATO's attack against Yugoslavia. And now
they're the next target. (Are you listening Bulgaria?
Romania? Greece?)

> Does anybody knows where is NATO's Indiana Jones
> (William Walker)? Does he
> searching for Macedonian version of Racak?

His OSCE/CIA partner Frowick is doing the job for him,
with a little personal advice from Walker himself, no
doubt. (Indiana Jones, indeed!)

> Who can stop these scumbags?
> DN

That would be us, Darko. And millions like us around
the world. Until our victory, Rick

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