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You're right, Jared. The actions of both Kostunica,
whose presidential oath obliges him to preserve his
nation and protect its citizens - all its citizens -
and the reptilian agent Djindjic are guilty of the
worse type of treason.
In any other country in the world they would have been
arrested and prosecuted for that federal crime ages
And it's not just the Yugoslav armed forces they are
conspiring to dismantle, it's what remains of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. There is absolutely no
question, for example, that Djindjic and the
Montenegrin Western agent Djukanovic have plotted the
further disintegration of the Republic, splitting
Serbia and Montenegro.
And who knows what the quislings have promised Hungary
and Albania.
All part of the NATO/EU plan.
They need to be further exposed - and stopped.  

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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> Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds
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> In a message dated 6/29/01 8:44:54 PM Eastern
> Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> << Behind the sudden extradition of former Yugoslav
> President Slobodan 
>  Milosevic, lies another event: the demise of the
> fragile coalition in 
>  Belgrade. It is clear that the Yugoslav president
> was locked out of the 
>  decision to extradite Milosevic. In Belgrade,
> Kostunica stands isolated.  >>
> There is a chorus from a remarkably diverse
> assortment of throats, including 
> of course Mr. Kostunica himself, but also everyone
> from Justin Raimondo, an 
> hysterical commentator on the right, to mainstream
> media, to Straford, to 
> some people on the Left, all saying that Kostunica
> was not part of the 
> decision to kidnap Milosevic. It occurs to me that
> it is vital for Washington 
> to preserve Kostunica because he still has work to
> do: namely, to be a 
> Washington Quisling while maintaining some support
> among Serbs, enough  to 
> diffuse popular anger while the critical remaining
> task is carried out, 
> namely the destruction of the Yugoslav Army of which
> he is conveniently the 
> commander.  Always best to command that which you
> are assigned to destroy.
> As to his innocence, touted on all sides, allow me
> to ask:
> If a crime of treason is justified for weeks, if
> lies are spread saying this 
> crime is needed for the country to survive, if
> various methods of carrying it 
> out are tried and fail until finally one succeeds,
> isn't a top leader who 
> participated in all these steps responsible for the
> crime?  If such a leader 
> pretended to care about his country, isn't he all
> the more guilty? Mr. 
> Kostunica openly participated in every step of the
> terrible crime of 
> kidnapping of Slobodan Milosevic - including the
> final step, the deed itself.
> In the last step, after the kidnapping had been
> ordered halted by the 
> Constitutional Court, Mr. Kostunica played the vital
> role.  Was he present at 
> the final planning meeting?  We don't know. Some
> report he was. He says he 
> wasn't.  But whether he dirtied his hands with the
> actual details is 
> irrelevant.  The important thing, the vital thing,
> was that he NOT do his job 
> as president.
> His job as President was to a) command the army and
> b) protect the 
> constitution.  Djindjic announced days before the
> kidnapping, and so did 
> other leaders, that Milosevic would be kidnapped
> regardless of the decision 
> of legal procedures.  It was then Kostunica's duty
> to arrest these plotters 
> and  order the army to take control of the Belgrade
> Prison to make sure the 
> publicly threatened action could not occur.
> That was precisely what Kostunica promised when he
> told the SPS two days and 
> one day before the kidnapping that he would permit
> no unconstitutional action.
> He was like the sheriff of a town who knows the KKK
> plans  to murder a black 
> man and refuses to provide protection.  His refusal
> to do his duty 
> constitutes a crime just as conscious and serious as
> that of the flunkies who 
> carry out the lynching - the only difference is, his
> superior position allows 
> him not to dirty his hands.
> In a sense, perhaps, such a sheriff is worse than
> the actual lyncher. But in 
> any case: in Washington Kostunica called for
> extradition and promised to 
> fight for an unconstitutional law to allow it; then
> he tried to coerce the 
> Montenegrin socialists to vote for the illegal law;
> then he condoned the 
> illegal decree of the Federal Government; then he
> falsely promised to prevent 
> kidnapping; and then (assuming he was not also one
> of the direct planners) he 
> betrayed his oath and looked away while  it happened
>  And then - hypocrite! - 
> he expressed shock and blamed everyone but: HIMSELF.
> This is treason.  Mr. Kostunica deserves the most
> severe punishment possible 
> under Yugoslav law.
> Jared Israel
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