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On 30 Jun 2001, at 3:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a chorus from a remarkably diverse assortment of throats,
> including of course Mr. Kostunica himself, but also everyone from
> Justin Raimondo, an hysterical commentator on the right, to mainstream
> media, to Straford, to some people on the Left, all saying that
> Kostunica was not part of the decision to kidnap Milosevic.

Dear Jared,

I can only speak out for myself and I'll try to explain my thoughts.

1.- Kostunica is and always was a 'symbolic figure'. We all know -- you even wrote about that before-- who was really moving the strings.
2.- The fact that somebody may assume he wasn't aware of the 'transfer' of Slobodan Milosevic doesn't mean they are saying 'he is innocent'. It only helps to prove my previous point:
a) Djindjic is the one who has always been the real decision-maker.
b) It is a clear evidence of a very important fact: The so-called international community main goal was to provoke the end of Yugoslavia as a nation. Take into account that the US never recognised the FRY as a country, only Serbia *and* Montenegro.
c) Milosevic's extradition is only a part of this chess game drawn to finish off the job of destroying what is left of Yugoslavia.
d) It doesn't mean Kostunica is 'innocent' of Milosevic's extradition. If he is angry because that move, it is only because he realises how close is the end of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I don't think he is so stupid to want to lose his job. He knows that if that happens, his power is *over*. His complains about Djindjic's move don't have anything to do with that --He-is-a-man-of-principles- and-a-constitutional-lawyer-- story *but* with pure political pragmatism.
3) It is crystal clear for me that what the 'international community' wants is the creation of easily controllable statelets and this is what they are promoting for Serbia (maybe even later, the Vojvodina) and Macedonia. About the latter: that divide-and-conquest and promotion of 'ethnic' divisions is nothing new. I recommend you to read this paper titled "A Brief History of Orangeism in Ireland" ( where you'll realise how similar is what the Brits did to keep Ireland disunited to what is happening today in FYROM.

Warmest Regards,

Francisco Javier Bernal,
List manager

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