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"Albanian rebel" terrorist aims

The sole aim of the "Albanian rebels" in Macedonia is the creation of a
monster - Greater Albania.

They are hiding their real aims by calling for a new Macedonian constitution,
better rights for Albanians, and international mediation.
These calls for
better rights are not founded considering the rights currently enjoyed by the
Albanians in Macedonia:

Four out of 15 ministerial places in the Macedonian Government are held by
Albanians including the economics minister. (Albanians political parties are
are part of the ruling coalition).

Albanians are represented in all levels of government and government

Albanians in Macedonia have their primary and secondary education in Albanian
(there is a private Albanian University as well).

Albanian is the official language in Macedonia in areas where Albanians are
in majority (part of the local self rule).

Albanians have equal rights and protection (social, health,  etc.)  as any
other Macedonian citizen.

Every major media (newspapers, radio, TV etc.) is available in Albanian
language (both government and private owned).
What is more amazing is that
the "Albanian rebels" are calling for "better rights", which in itself proves
that they enjoy the "basic" minority rights in Macedonia. Whether the rights
currently enjoyed by the Albanians in Macedonia are basic or not is
irrelevant. What is important is that Macedonia is a democratic state where
Albanians have the right to vote. Any issues for "better rights" need to be
taken to the ballot box.
 Since when it is OK to take on arms  and start an
ethnic war for "better rights" ?

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