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Women Against Military Madness (WAMM)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
July 20, 2001 
Thoughts On Srebrenica
by Sarah Standefer 
With the illegal and dubious "extradition " of
Milosovic to the Hague, once again the airwaves and
newspapers are referring to the "massacre" of 8000
Muslims by Serbs in Srebrenica, Bosnia in July 1995
when the city was taken over by the Bosnian Serb Army.
This was supposedly the biggest bloodbath in Europe
since the holocaust. It gave the war crimes tribunal
on Yugoslavia credibilty, and is the basis of the
indictments against Radko Mladic and Radan Karadzic,
alleged war criminals, second only to Milosovic. It
justified NATO bombing and was an important piece in
demonizing the Serbs. Was it a massacre or a hoax? A
close and careful look at the news and official
reports at the time cast considerable doubt on the
massacre theory. The evidence shows the news media and
the State Department played loose and fast with the
numbers of Muslims missing. The official charge that
they were massacred was supported by evidence which
wilted under scrutiny and to date has never been
produced. Most important, UN soldiers in and around
Srebrenica at the time say there were no massacres.  
Because the news then as now was so anti-Serb and gave
lilttle if any of that perspective, a little history
is in order. In 1991 the municipality of Srebrenica
and surrounding area was 73% Muslim and 25% Serb.
There was little ethnic mixing, which became a problem
as tension mounted. One reason for Serb suspicion was
a growing Muslim movement to establish a Muslim state
within the Bosnian boundaries. To accomplish this,
Serbs and Serb villages were attacked. A Serb weekly
reported in 1995 that in an area around Srebrenica and
including 100 villages, hamlets and towns 
- since 1992 - 2800 Serbs had been killed and 6000
injured in more than 100 villages, towns and hamlets.
These crimes still haven't been officially
investigated, although they have been confirmed by
Dutch UN military personnel present at the time. The
man most responsible for this scorched earth policy
was the infamous Naser Oric  These systematic attacks
by Muslim fighters against Bosnian Serb enclaves were
the reason the Serbs attacked Srebrenica in July 1995.
Mladic, the Serb commander, informed the UN commander
that the attack was to eliminate terrorists and not
civilians or UN troops. The decision to capture
Srebrenica was made when it was realized that Muslim
fighters had fled in large numbers the night before
the attack. Most probably they left because it wasn't
strategically worth it to them to fight for it.   
The public was never informed of these events and
circumstances. Instead we were inundated with the
stories that 8000 Muslim men were missing and presumed
massacred. The number is a falsification and misuses
the UN and International Red Cross numbers, reports
which said 3,000-4,000 had made it to Tuzla . Some of
them rejoined the Bosnian Muslim forces and some
emigrated to NATO countries. Another 3000 men had been
arrested in Srebrenica and taken to Serb prisons where
the Red Cross visited them.   
Captain Schouten, a Dutch UN military officer present
in Bratunac, one of the supposed massacre sites, said
he didn't believe it happened. He was free to go
everywhere and saw no evidence of executions. Captain
Schouten's statement was not well covered.  The myth
was perpetuated by the efforts to find the corpses. We
were told of satellites which could find and take
pictures of decomposing bodies in the ground. We were
told there were satellite pictures of highly
suspicious "disturbed soil" amd"mass graves". (A mass
grave isn't necessarily a massacre. It is often the
way the military will bury the enemy, and then
identification is made after the war). When few bodies
were discovered, the stories changed. First we were
told the Serbs supposedly used corrosive materials to
destroy the bodies. When that story didn't hold up ,
we were told they moved the bodies (how could this
happen under the watchful eye of the satellites?).
According to the CIA, a satellite photo near
Srebrenica which the press was never allowed to see
showed a soccer field filled with hundreds, possibly
thousands, of what we were asked to believe were
Muslim men and boys. Another photo a couple of days
later showed the stadium empty and disturbed soil
nearby. The immediate explanation was that the Serbs
had murdered and buried all these people. The
assumption that a soccer field full one day, empty the
next, means those once there had been executed is
far-fetched. Even if they were Muslims, a probable
explanation would be that the people had been sent to
detention camps. Members of the Security Council were
not shown the original pictures but copies, and one
member said she saw Muslim families, not men and boys.
This, of course, also raises questions about the CIA
version. In 1995 Richard Goldstone, the chief
prosecutor in the Hague, became impatient with the
failure of the US to hand over the satellite photos..
They were the evidence the war crimes tribunal needed.
The photos have never been turned over and will not
because they have been classified as "national
security secrets." Is the U.S. governent hiding the
proof of a crime or proof that it has no proof of
crime?  The massacre at Srebrenica of Muslims by Serbs
is a hoax which continues to be trotted out and used
to justify the arrest of Milosovic and the criminal
US/Nato destruction and bombing of Yugoslavia.   

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