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    CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Eric Margolis
    Ottawa Sun, July 9, 2001

The Editor
Ottawa Sun

Whether Eric Margolis is fantasizing or lying only a psychiatrist can
tell. In either case what he writes is untruth: it is sheer racial and
religious bigotry.

If my people -- and I'm not Serb, nor married to a Serb woman -- were as
vilely slandered as Serbs by Margolis and the rest of the yapping
racists in the media, I would be justified in writing some pretty fiery
letters to the slanderer. Whether Eric Margolis is fantasizing or lying
only a psychiatrist can tell.

His "mine shaft" story is a bald lie: the mine in question was an open
pit mine, had no deep shafts, and UK frogmen searched the pit, to find
NO bodies.

The Srebrenica "massacre" is a hoax, like the "destruction" of
Dubrovnik, to stir up hatred against the real victims, the Serbs. The
real crime there was the grisly murder by throat-cutting, football games
with severed heads, burning and impaling of Serb farm folk by the
mujehadin of Naser Oric, the commander at the "safe haven" of
Srebrenica, safe for jihad. In July 1995 Oric was ordered by Izetbegovic
- Bosnia's Osama Bin Laden -- to retreat. He now runs a discotheque
(read whorehouse) in Tuzla, the American base.

Margolis on the Serbian Orthodox Church lies compares well with of an
Ian Paisley sermon against Northern Ireland's "Papists".

In 1989 Milosevic warned against virulent Serb nationalism and led a
cheer at Kosovo "for the Brotherhood and Unity of the Peoples of
Yugoslavia." It's all on film.

In 1990 the fix on Milosevic was that he was trying to hold Yugoslavia
together on internationalist Marxist principles, not letting the
"westward leaning, pro-Democracy statelets of Slovenia and Croatia
secede: they are now fascist and ethnically "cleansed".

Milosevic lost four Balkan Wars. They were started by the Slovene,
Croat, and Islamist Bosnians secessionists, backed, armed, uniformed and
fed by the US, Germany, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and of course good
old John Bull and his former colony, Canada, now a satellite of the USA.

When will the Sun tell Canadians that they have been lied to by the
media about the Serbs the past dozen years? Only now, decades late, are
the media telling the truth about the CIA killing Allende and creating
the Taliban.

Prof. J. P. Maher

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